Charting Equities for was created to complement the information that is available from a brokerage house, enabling the long-term investor to particpate in a more informed Manner regarding their portfolios. With an internet connection one can retrieve either individual equities or all of one's portfolio at the click of the mouse. Once saved, Charting Equities will display all relevant information in both table and/or graph formats. When the equity's information is fetched; that particular day's trading range, price per share, price change and the volume of shares traded, along with its 52 Week High and Low and its current Annual Dividend & Yield can be conveniently viewed.
The Track Cost Price/Share of the particular equity is plotted on the graph. A Target value can also be plotted. At any time, any selected equity can quickly be fetched. All of the aforementioned information will be retrieved. We have endeavoured to keep the manner of data manipulation as direct as possible. Both data entry and navigation controls are accessible by menus, hotkeys and the keyboard including the use of the arrows keys to simplify situations where mouse or touchpad controls can be cumbersome or even problematic. Information can be entered by hand and the internet connection is not necessary for viewing an equity's data.